Ever find yourself struggling to stay awake in class?
It’s no secret that most students can find it hard to maintain their focus when studying.
It’s easy to feel lazy and not do the work. We all want to take the easiest way out and spend less time on activities that we don’t like, but this doesn’t work in the long run.
For some, it may be because they are too hungry or too tired. On the other hand, for others, it is because they are simply lazy.
Here is how you can avoid laziness while studying with simple tips that will help you stay motivated and focused on your work.
Make a Plan and Stick to It
This is by far the most effective way to avoid laziness while studying.
You should make a plan before going to your class, so you can be more aware of what you are going to do and how you will do it.
The minute you start a new study session, use your plan to guide you on what to do next.
For instance, if you have a midterm exam next, you should start by getting everything ready. Then, you can work on your power points.
This way, you will feel more organized, because your plan will be the roadmap you follow to get the results you want.
But, is planning all you need to avoid lazy studying? If you have a plan and you are willing to implement it, then you can achieve your goal to study in a more effective way.
Identify your excuses
While laziness may not be a very big problem for some, there are many people who are too lazy to do even the smallest of tasks.
In this case, they need to realize that the excuse that is holding them back from learning is their laziness and not their ability to learn.
You need to first come to terms with the fact that you are a lazy person and no amount of trying will change that.
You need to decide on a way to get yourself motivated or else you will never be able to get past that barrier.
It is important for you to first identify what your excuses are and then come up with ways to work through them.
Be Prepared
It is very hard to study effectively when you are not aware of what you need to study. That is why it is very important to prepare your study materials before going to class. This way, you can refer to your studying materials anytime you get stuck or need a reminder.
Even if you do not like writing, you should still write everything you know about the topic that you are studying. Writing helps you visualize what you need to study and prevents you from forgetting important facts.
Writing your notes will also help you concentrate more because you will not be thinking about the entire topic you are studying.
This may sound like the most obvious tip in the world, but it can be surprisingly easy to neglect while studying.
Take a look around you. How many of your classmates are able to finish their textbooks before they have to go to class in the morning? Or, in the afternoon? These students have time during the day to do something they enjoy, so why are you studying if you don’t enjoy what you are doing?
Find a hobby that you enjoy, and dedicate some time to that. Learn to play a new instrument. Spend time playing basketball. There are countless things you can do to increase your overall enjoyment of school.
When most people consider their future, they imagine themselves having a job with a solid future. For a student, however, that seems to be a distant reality.
Take Breaks
As students, it’s natural to want to keep going with the study session. The problem is, you are only hurting your chances of finishing it before the deadline.
Taking regular breaks will give your brain a break from the rest of the information you are absorbing and give you some much-needed time to recover.
If you’re having a hard time staying focused, make sure you limit yourself to 15 minutes, then take a 20-minute break and take a proper breakfast or a cup of coffee.
Break the task into small chunks
It is no secret that some students find it hard to learn because they find it difficult to stay focused. One way to avoid this and keep your eyes on the prize is to break the study process into smaller, more manageable chunks.
This way, you will be able to take on each small chunk at a time and not lose your momentum or motivation to study. Studies have shown that students who do not study in the traditional setting such as the lecture hall or the library tend to learn better.
This is because studying in these traditional setting requires a lot of outside stimuli such as constantly looking at your lecturer’s notes and the room’s wall clock.
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Ask for Help
When you are really struggling to stay focused, it is always a good idea to ask for help. It is easy to get intimidated when you do not understand what the teacher is asking or if you are struggling to remember a concept.
So the next time you find yourself starting to lag behind in class, ask your teacher for help. You do not need to worry about sounding stupid because the teachers in most class are very experienced.
And the best part is that they are very proud of their high-level skills. If the teacher is not available to help you, then it is wise to ask for help from another student in the class.
Set reminders and deadlines
If you find yourself procrastinating by taking your time to browse the web or browse through social media, set reminders to keep yourself motivated. You can also set deadlines for yourself.
Social media is an effective motivator for some people and you can use it to your advantage by reminding yourself of deadlines for tasks or projects. The best way to avoid laziness when studying is to make your study time something you need to perform.
It is always advisable to break up your studying tasks into smaller chunks. This is important because if you do not divide your work into smaller chunks, you may end up working for hours and getting nothing done.
Eat well and take care of yourself
If you are struggling to stay awake during your study session, it might be because you are not eating well. So, avoid skipping meals and snacks altogether.
Some students swear by protein bars as their weapon for this purpose. Others go for chicken and eggs. Either way, this is one method that will help you make it through long study sessions without getting tired.
Get some exercise
If you’re feeling sluggish, it’s time to get moving. Getting up and moving around will help give you the stamina and confidence you need to overcome a sluggish brain.
Exercising increases your brain’s level of creativity, improves mental focus, and reduces stress. It also keeps you feeling fit.
If you’re working on writing a speech, work towards writing it for five hours. If you’re focusing on a report for work, keep a goal of writing it for three hours. The aim is to feel like you’re actually accomplishing something. This helps build motivation to continue your studies.
A good, active walk can help relieve stress. If you need a little extra push, try setting a goal and working towards it.
Time management
One of the most common pitfalls for people attempting to study is prioritizing time. Even if you have a solid study schedule, most college students will admit that it takes longer than they think to focus on any one task.
Time management can often be just as big of a hurdle as procrastination. The key is to keep in mind that college students are constantly on the go and want to cram in as much learning as possible.
While it is possible to study two hours a day, it’s difficult to retain the information for long periods of time.
Scheduling time for study can also help you to keep your mind fresh and productive. When studying for tests or papers, establishing study sessions with friends can help to increase motivation. They can also take notes and hold you accountable.
Focus on what you want
Your mind is often on autopilot when it’s doing routine tasks. But if you’re trying to learn something new, your mind will have to be hyper-focused. One way to stay focused on what you’re doing is to focus on your goal.
Whether it’s working on a report, planning a presentation, or memorizing a list of names, the biggest danger is to focus on the amount of time required to accomplish the task or the difficulty of it.
Sometimes it’s more difficult to focus on what you want to get accomplished instead of the time and effort needed to get it done.
A good practice is to ask yourself, “How much time do I need to get this done?” Or, “How much effort do I need to put into this?” Accept the task Even though you’re trying to study, don’t beat yourself up if it doesn’t happen right away.
One of the best ways to avoid laziness while studying is to carve out a specific study period for reading. The only problem with reading is that reading can be boring.
An easy solution is to alternate reading passages with an online timer. A timer makes reading more exciting because you’re getting closer to the finish line.
If you can’t stand reading online, there are also some online flashcards you can use. Do your research to find flashcards that include common words, definitions, and definitions of concepts.
You can also try studying vocabulary. When studying vocabulary, try creating flashcards based on the words you’re studying.
A word of advice: Avoid taking online vocabulary quizzes because the answers are typically completely wrong.
Speaking aloud to yourself
It’s easy to get caught up in your thoughts and forget what you’re doing, but saying aloud to yourself (and even aloud to a friend) can be a useful reminder. It can help you learn more about what you’re reading.
Learn while you shop
No matter how busy you are, there’s a place for shopping during the school year. It’s a great way to make good use of your time when you’re getting ready to study.
Motivate yourself
Have you ever sat in a meeting full of peers who are all clearly working hard but getting nowhere fast?
Those people are the hardest workers in the room and they are naturally motivated to learn more. But how can you motivate yourself to accomplish your goals when you’re feeling unmotivated?
It’s easy to give up, but not that easy to start again. You need to think of yourself as you would someone you respect and admire.
If your work has been recognized for the quality of it and the time and effort you put in, then that’s what you should strive for. It might take time, but remember that research shows that once you are inspired, you are much more likely to stick with it.
Having an objective in mind can help keep you motivated and organized.
Find your study space
This is not something many students think about. For many, the idea of spending time in a comfortable space to work might be off-putting and therefore not the most motivating thing.
For those who have taken the time to plan ahead, however, having a space for the upcoming tests is the best way to feel productive and achieve your goal.
Whether it’s a dorm room, the coffee shop down the street, or your kitchen, find a comfortable space that you can practice your homework in.
Even something as simple as a quiet place in the back of your car while you’re driving home from work can help inspire you to return to your study space.
Finding a space for studying also gives you the chance to feel productive when you return to your room.
Keep your space tidy
One of the easiest ways to set yourself up for success is to keep your space clean. Dishes should be done, papers should be filed and study material should be put away.
If you have a study group, each student should have a designated place to put their work and materials.
Prepare your materials
When learning something new, sometimes you need to do a little research first. Take time to determine exactly what you need to know about your topic, and check out any relevant resources before diving in.
This will allow you to know exactly what to expect and how to approach your studies.
When you’re going through your daily routine, take time to complete small tasks, and you’ll likely find that you’re much more motivated to learn something. Take on a small goal, such as memorizing a few Shakespearean lines, and you’ll feel much more accomplished than if you spend all day procrastinating.
Stay motivated with music
Music has a way of keeping you in the moment. It makes you concentrate on the task at hand and keep you focused. A simple way to do this is by choosing your favorite music to listen to while studying. It can be soothing or motivating.
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Set a time limit
The goal is to avoid procrastination. There is a fine line between hard work and laziness. Set a time limit for your studying session.
When that time is up, switch your focus to something else. This will help you get through the tasks in no time.
Studying for exams is not only a crucial part of our education but also an important skill that allows us to acquire new knowledge in life.
If you can manage to resist the temptation to give up, your memory will be much more focused and you will be able to benefit from this crucial skill for many years to come.
While it may not be easy for most people to stay focused while studying, it’s important to note that you are not alone.