IGNOU Previous Year Question Papers

The IGNOU Question Papers play a vital role in the preparation of examinations conducted by the Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU). These papers serve as valuable resources for students to understand the exam pattern, marking scheme, and the types of questions that may be asked. In this article, we will explore the significance of the previous year’s question papers and provide a comprehensive list of question papers across various degree programs offered by IGNOU.

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IGNOU ALL Previous Year Question Papers IN ONE PDF

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JUNE 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023
December 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020,2021 and 2022

CBCS (Bachelor’s Degree Programmmes)


Master’s Degree Programmes

M.A. Hindi (MHD) M.A. English (MEG)
M.A. Sociology (MSO) M.A. Public Administration (MPA)
M.A. Psychology (MPC) M.A. Political Science (MPS)
M.A. Economics (MEC) M.A. History (MHI)
Master of Computer Application (MCA)

Master of Computer Application (MCA_NEW)

Master of Commerce (M.Com_NEW)

Master of Commerce (M.Com)


Management Programme


M.A. Education (MES) M.A. Adult Education (MAAE)
MASTER OF ARTS (EDUCATION) (MAEDU) M.Sc. Dietetics and Food Service Management (DFSM)
M.Sc. MSCCFT (Master of Science in Counselling and Family Therapy) M.A. Distance Education (MDE)
MLIS (Master of Library and Information Science) Masters In Anthropology (MAAN)
M.A. Gandhi And Peace Studies (MGPS) M.Sc Mathematics with Applications to Computer Science (MACS)
M.A. Women’s and Gender Studies (MAWGS) M.A. Gender and Development Studies (MAGD)
Master’s in Tourism Management (MTTM/MTM) M.Sc in Hospitality Administration (MHA)
M.A. Translation Studies (MATS) M.A. Extension And Development (MAEDS)
M.A. Rural Development (MRD)

Bachelor’s Degree Programmmes

Bachelor of Computer Application (BCA) BACHELOR DEGREE IN SOCIAL WORK (BSW)
Bachelor of Commerce (B.Com) Bachelor of Arts (B.A.)
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
B.Sc.N. (Bachelor of Science Nursing) BLIS (Bachelor’s Degree In Library And Information Science (REVISED))

Tourism Studies

BTS BHM (Ex Diploma)

P.G. Diploma Programmes

PGDIBO (International Business Operations) PGDFMP (Financial Markets Practice)
PGDSLM (SCHOOL LEADERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT) PGDEMA (Educational Management and Administration)
PGDPPED (Pre-primary Education) PGDET (Educational Technology)
PGDAE (Adult Education) PGDCFT (Counselling and Family Therapy)
PGDMCH (Maternal and Child Health) PGDGM (Geriatric Medicine)
PGDHHM (Hospital and Health Management) PGDLAN (Post Graduate Diploma in Library Automation and Networking)
PGDMH (Mental Health) PGDDM (Disaster Management)
PGDBP (Book Publishing) PGDESD (Environment and Sustainable Development)
PGDAC (Analytical Chemistry) PGDAST (Applied Statistics)
PGDFSQM (Food Safety and Quality Management) PGDPM (Plantation Management)
PGDWGS (Women’s and Gender Studies) PGJMC (Journalism and Mass Communication)
PGDAPP (Audio Programme Production) PGDHO (HOTEL OPERATION)
PGDIPR (Intellectual Property Rights) PGDCJ (Criminal Justice)
PGDPSM (Pharmaceutical Sales Management) PGDEDS (Extension And Development Studies)
PGDEOH (Environmental And Occupational Health) PGDSS (Sustainability Science)

Diploma Programmes

Diploma in Elementary Education (D.El.ED) DECE (EARLY CHILDHOOD CARE AND EDUCATION)
DPLAD (Panchayat Level Administration Development) DEVMT (Event Management)
Diploma in Nursing Administration (DNA) Diploma In Critical Care In Nursing (DCCN)
Diploma in Women Empowerment and Development (DWED) Diploma in Creative Writing in English (DCE)
Diploma in Aquaculture (DAQ) Diploma Programme in Value Added Products from Fruits and Vegetables (DVAPFV)
Diploma in Dairy Technology (DDT) Diploma In Watershed Management (DIWM)
Diploma In Fish Products Technology (DFPT) Diploma in Women’s Empowerment and Development (DWED)
Diploma in Meat Technology (DMT) Diploma in Teaching German (DTG)
DNHE (Nutrition and Health Education)

Certificate Programmes

Certificate in Solid Waste Management (CSWM) Certificate in HIV and Family Education (CAFE/DAFE)
Certificate in French Language (CFL) Certificate in Disaster Management (CDM)
Certificate in Environmental Studies (CES) Certificate in Functional English (Basic Level) (CFE)
Certificate in Food and Nutrition (CFN) Certificate in Health Care Waste Management (CHCWM)
Certificate in Russian Language (CRUL) Certificate in Arabic Language (CAL)
Certificate in Human Rights (CHR) Certificate in Guidance (CIG)
Certificate in Sericulture (CIS) Certificate in Nutrition and Child Care (CNCC)
Certificate in First Aid (CFAID) Certificate in Organic Farming (COF)
Certificate in Rural Development (CRD) Certificate in Korean Language & Culture (CKLC)
Certificate in Teaching of English as a Second Language (CTE) Certificate Programme in Teaching of Primary School Mathematics (CTPM)
Certificate in Tourism Studies (CTS) Certificate in Community Radio (CCR)
Certificate in Urdu Language (CUL) Certificate in Consumer Protection (CCP)
Certificate in Water Harvesting & Management (CWHM) Certificate in Poultry Farming (CPF)
Certificate in Information Technology (CIT) Certificate in Energy Technology and Management (CETM)
Certificate in Visual Arts – Painting (CVAP) Certificate in Visual Arts – Applied Art (CVAA)
Certificate in Performing Arts Karnatak Music (CPAKM) Certificate in Performing Arts – Theatre Arts (CPATHA)
Certificate of Competency in Power Distribution (Electrical Technicians) (CCPD) Certificate in International Humanitarian Law (CIHL)
Certificate in Co-operation, Co-operative Law & Business Laws (CCLBL) Advanced Certificate in Information Security (ACISE)
Certificate in Beekeeping (CIB) Certificate in Social Work and Criminal Justice System (CSWCJS)
Certificate in Anti Human Trafficking (CAHT) Certificate Programme in Value Education (CPVE)
Diploma in Critical Care Nursing (DCCN) Certificate in Communication & IT Skills (CCITSK)
Certificate in Maternal and Child Health Nursing (CMCHN) Certificate Programme on Life and Thought of Dr.B.R.Ambedkar (CLTA)
Certificate in Community Health (CCH) Certificate in Library and Information Science (CLIS)
Certificate in Newborn and Infant Nursing (CNIN) Certificate in Japanese Language (CJL)
Certificate in Tribal Studies (CTRBS) Certificate in Spanish Language & Culture (CSLC)
Certificate in Fashion Design (CFDE) Certificate Programme in Yoga (CPY)
Certificate in German Language (CGL) Certificate in Persian Language (CPEL)
Certificate in General Duty Assistance (CGDA) Certificate in Home Health Assistance (CHHA)
Certificate in Gender, Agriculture and Sustainable Development (CGAS) Certificate in Mobile Application Development (CMAD)
Certificate in Solid Wastes Treatment Techniques (CSWATT) Certificate in Geriatric Care Assistance (CGCA)
Certificate in Phlebotomy Assistance (CPHA) SSB (Communicative Sanskrit)
Certificate in Primary Teaching (CPT)

P.G. Certificate Programmes

PGCIATIVI (Information and Assistive Technologies for the Instructors of Visually Impaired) PGCAE (Adult Education)
PGCGI (Geoinformatics) PGCAP (Agricultural Policy)
PGCPP (Patent Practice) PGCCL (Cyber Laws)
PGCEDS (Extension And Development Studies) PGCBHT (Bengali-Hindi Translation Programme


Importance of Previous Year Question Papers

Enhancing Exam Preparation with Previous Year Question Papers

Previous year question papers are a treasure trove of knowledge for students preparing for their IGNOU examinations. By referring to these papers, students can gain insights into the format of the questions, the weightage given to different topics, and the level of difficulty. This familiarity with the exam pattern helps them develop effective strategies for time management and prioritization during the actual examination.

Gaining Insight into Exam Patterns and Marking Scheme

One of the key benefits of solving the previous year’s question papers is understanding the exam pattern and marking scheme. By analyzing the distribution of marks and the emphasis placed on specific topics, students can focus their preparation on areas that carry more weightage. This targeted approach increases their chances of scoring well in the exams.

Practicing Time Management and Speed

Another advantage of solving previous year’s question papers is that it allows students to practice time management and improve their speed in answering questions. By setting a time limit for each section, students can simulate the actual exam environment and learn to allocate their time efficiently. Regular practice enhances their speed, accuracy, and confidence, enabling them to complete the exam within the stipulated time.


Yes, IGNOU previous year question papers available on the official website and reputable educational platforms are usually authentic. However, it is advisable to cross-check the relevance of the papers with the updated syllabus or consult your tutors or professors.

While solving question papers for every subject is not mandatory, it is beneficial. Question papers provide insights into the exam pattern and help in understanding the types of questions asked. Prioritize solving question papers for subjects you find challenging or where you want to practice time management.

Yes, question papers for various IGNOU courses and programs are available. The official IGNOU website and reputable educational platforms offer question papers for a wide range of subjects and years.

It is recommended to solve previous year question papers at regular intervals throughout your exam preparation. Starting early and solving papers periodically can help you track your progress, identify weak areas, and gain confidence in the exam setting. and you can download the solved paper also from here  - Click Here 


  1. respected Sir/madam
    I am BSWG Student from IGNOU this is my second year going on for the TEE I NEED LAST 3-YEAR QUESTION PAPER.

  2. Hloo sir , Iam first year bafeg studen taken admission in Jan 2024 …can you pls show me the previous year question papers of bcos 185, bpas 184,bedsv 101 pls…I can’t find it in any .pls help

  3. I have taken admission in bam in July 2024 n they r saying that 1 n 2 sem exam will be held together in march2025 is it possible pls reply


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