BESE-142 LIFELONG LEARNING in English Solved Question Paper June 2023

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Course Code: BESE-142

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BESE-142 Solved Question Paper June 2023

University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Course BAG
Language English
Year June 2023
Course Code BESE-142
Product Solved Question Paper  (IGNOU)


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Note : Answer any two of the following in about
500 words each. 2×20=40
1. Explain the concept and scope of lifelong
2. How did social movements in India lead to
development of lifelong learning ?
3. Discuss the implications of global contexts for
lifelong learning.
4. Describe the components of structural reforms
for promotion of lifelong learning.
Note : Answer any four of the following in about
250 words each. 4×12=48
5. What is the difference between formal and nonformal system of education ?
6. Compare and contrast the features of industrial
society and knowledge society.
7. Discuss the status of ‘lifelong learning’ as an
academic discipline.
8. How is literacy related with dialogue,
conscientisation and liberation ?
9. What are the aspects of global interventions for
lifelong learning ?
10. Explain the nature of curriculum for lifelong
11. What is a learning context ? What are the
broad contexts of learning ?
Note : Answer any two of the following in about
125 words each. 2×6=12
12. Explain the concept of life skills and their
relationship to lifelong learning.
13. How can poverty be tackled through lifelong
learning ?
14. What are the emerging needs of lifelong
learning ?
15. What are the key elements and outcomes of
National Skills Qualifications Framework
(NSQF) ?

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