BPAG-173 E-governance in English Solved Question Paper June 2022
Course Code: BPAG-173
Title Name |
BPAG-173 Solved Question Paper June 2022 |
University | IGNOU |
Service Type | Solved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF) |
Course | BAG |
Language | English |
Semester | |
Year | June 2022 |
Course Code | BPAG-173 |
Product | Solved Question Paper (IGNOU) |
Term-End Examination
June, 2022
Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Attempt any five of the following questions in
about 400 words each, selecting at least two
questions from each Section. Each question
carries equal marks.
1. Discuss the role of information and
communication technology in the vital areas of
administration. 20
2. Write a note on National E-Governance Plan,
2006. 20
3. Explain e-Panchayat Project and its
limitations. 20
4. Describe digital library and bring out its
advantages and disadvantages. 20
5. Explain the meaning and tools of e-Commerce
and e-Payments. 20
6. “Information and Communication Technology
play a crucial role in delivering citizen
services.” Elaborate. 20
7. Describe the duties and responsibilities of
Public Authority and Public Information
Officers under RTI Act, 2005. 20
8. Write a note on Urban e-Governance. 20
How can solving previous year question papers improve my exam performance?
Solving previous year question papers helps you become familiar with the exam format, identify important topics, and develop effective time management and problem-solving skills, leading to improved performance.
Can I solely rely on previous year question papers for exam preparation?
While previous year question papers are an essential part of exam preparation, it is advisable to supplement them with comprehensive study materials, textbooks, and practice tests for a well-rounded approach.
Can solving previous year question papers guarantee a good score?
Solving previous year question papers enhances your preparation and boosts confidence, but the final score depends on various factors, including consistent studying, understanding concepts, and effective exam strategy.