BCOC-132 Business Organisation and Management Solved Question Paper JUNE 2022
BCOC-132 Business Organisation and Management in English
Solved Question Paper JUNE 2022
Course Code: BCOC-132
Solved Term-End Examination JUNE,2022
Title Name | BCOC-132 Solved Question Paper JUNE 2022 |
University | IGNOU |
Service Type | Solved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF) |
Course | Bcom |
Language | English |
Semester | 1st |
Year | JUNE 2022 |
Course Code | BCOC-132 |
Product | Solved Question Paper (IGNOU) |
B.COM. (G)
Term-End Examination
June, 2022
Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100
Note : Answer any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.
1. (a) ‘‘Technological Innovation implies new technology, creating new products and services – hence new business opportunities.’’ Justify the statement with the help of examples.
(b) Briefly discuss the various steps involved in the process of innovation. 10+10
2. (a) What do you mean by ‘‘One Person Company’’ (OPC) ? Describe the relaxations available to OPCs.
(b) Describe the main features of cooperative form of organisation. 10+10
3. What is leadership ? Explain the different leadership styles with examples. 6+14
4. Define communication. What are the steps involved in the process of communication ? How can communication be made more effective ? 4+8+8
5. Define the term ‘Marketing’. Explain the different marketing concepts with suitable examples. 6+14
6. What do you mean by product life cycle ? Discuss various stages of product life cycle. 4+16
7. Briefly comment on any two of the following statements : 10+10=20
(a) Ideally, business decisions are based on an analysis of objective facts, aided by the use of technological tools.
(b) Marketing management often conducts market research and marketing research to perform marketing analysis.
(c) Sale is the index of success of marketing as well as production efforts.
8. Distinguish between any two of the following : 10+10=20
(a) E-Commerce and M-Commerce
(b) Formal and Informal Organisation
(c) Equity Share and Preference Share
9. Write short notes on any two of the following : 10+10=20
(a) Franchising
(b) Skills of HR Professionals
(c) Social Responsibility of Business