/* structure to store employee salary details */
struct employee {
int empId;
char name[32];
int basic, hra, da, ma;
int pf, insurance;
float gross, net;
/* prints payslip for the requested employee */
void printSalary(struct employee e1) {
printf(“Salary Slip of %s:\n”, e1.name);
printf(“Employee ID: %d\n”, e1.empId);
printf(“Basic Salary: %d\n”, e1.basic);
printf(“House Rent Allowance: %d\n”, e1.hra);
printf(“Dearness Allowance: %d\n”, e1.da);
printf(“Medical Allowance: %d\n”, e1.ma);
printf(“Gross Salary: %.2f Rupees\n”, e1.gross);
printf(“\nDeductions: \n”);
printf(“Provident fund: %d\n”, e1.pf);
printf(“Insurance: %d\n”, e1.insurance);
printf(“\nNet Salary: %.2f Rupees\n\n”, e1.net);
Enter the number of employees:3
Enter your input for every employee:
Employee ID:101
Employee Name:Sam
Basic Salary, HRA:5000 500
DA, Medical Allowance:300 500
PF and Insurance:1000 400
Employee ID:102
Employee Name:Ram
Basic Salary, HRA:3000 200
DA, Medical Allowance:300 500
PF and Insurance:800 200
Employee ID:103
Employee Name:Raj
Basic Salary, HRA:4000 300
DA, Medical Allowance:300 500
PF and Insurance:1000 200
Enter employee ID to get payslip:102
Salary Slip of Ram:
Employee ID: 102
Basic Salary: 3000
House Rent Allowance: 200
Dearness Allowance: 300
Medical Allowance: 500
Gross Salary: 33000.00 Rupees
Provident fund: 800
Insurance: 200
Net Salary: 32000.00 Rupees
Do You Want To Continue(1/0):1
Enter employee ID to get payslip:101
Salary Slip of Sam:
Employee ID: 101
Basic Salary: 5000
House Rent Allowance: 500
Dearness Allowance: 300
Medical Allowance: 500
Gross Salary: 70000.00 Rupees
Provident fund: 1000
Insurance: 400
Net Salary: 68600.00 Rupees
Do You Want To Continue(1/0):1
Enter employee ID to get payslip:4
No Record Found!!
Do You Want To Continue(1/0):0