MS-11 Strategic Management
Solved Assignment 2022
Course Code : MS-11
Course Title : Strategic Management
Assignment No. : MS-11/TMA/JAN/2022
Coverage : All Blocks
Title Name |
MS-11 Solved Assignment 2022 |
University | IGNOU |
Service Type | Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF) |
Course | Management Programme |
Language | ENGLISH |
Semester | 2022 Course: Management Programme |
Session | January 2022 and July 2022 sessions |
Short Name | MS-11 |
Assignment Code | MS-11/TMA/JAN/2022 |
Product | Assignment of Management Programme 2022 (IGNOU) |
Note: Attempt all questions and submit this assignment to the coordinator of your study centre.
Last date of submission for January 2022 session is 30th April, 2022 and for July 2022
session is 31st October, 2022.
1. How does the ‘objectives’ of an organization help them to formulate a specific strategy.
Explain with respect to the process of strategic management.
2. What is a ‘focus’ strategy? How are the organizations trying to focus themselves with the
new age working style? Illustrate with the help of examples
3. Many industries like hospitality and aviation have faced a real setback due to the
pandemic situation. What in your opinion would be a good strategy for them to make a
comeback? Justify.
4. Do you think that in present uncertain situation with slow economy ‘diversification
strategy’ can be a right move for an organization? Explain with the help of suitable
5. Discuss different types of leadership styles. What in your opinion would be an
appropriate leadership style for the organizations facing hardships due to the pandemic?
MS-11, MS 11, MS11