Solved Assignment 2021-2022
Course Code: MANE 001
Assignment Code: MANE 001/AST/TMA/2021-22
Total Marks: 100
Title Name |
MANE-001 Solved Assignment 2021-2022 |
University | IGNOU |
Service Type | Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF) |
Course | Master’s in Anthropology (MAAN) |
Language | ENGLISH |
Semester | 2021-2022 Course: Master’s in Anthropology (MAAN) |
Session | July 2021 and January 2022 sessions |
Short Name | MANE-001 (ENGLISH) |
Assignment Code | MANE 001/AST/TMA/2021-22 |
Product | Assignment of MAAN (Master’s in Anthropology ) 2021-2022 (IGNOU) |
Submission Date | For students admitted in July Batch: March 31 For students admitted in January Batch: September 30 |
Note: Attempt any five questions. Choose at least two questions from each section. All questions carry
equal marks. The word limit for 20 marks is 500 words and for 10 marks is 250 words.
1. What is Human Genetics? Briefly elucidate different branches of Human Genetics. 20
2. What is Meiosis cell division? Discuss briefly the different stages of cell division with suitable
diagrams. 20
3. What is Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium? Briefly examine the factors affecting change in gene
frequency. 20
4. Discuss different types of chromosomal aberrations in man. 20
5. Write short notes on any two of the following: 10+10
a). Fluorescence in Situ Hybridization
b). ABO blood group system
c). Genetic Epidemiology
d). Inbreeding
6. Define DNA polymorphism. Examine any two techniques used in molecular genetics. 20
7. What is Human Genome Project? Briefly discuss the applications of Human Genome Project.
8. What are metabolic diseases? Briefly examine different metabolic diseases. 20
9. What do you understand by Genetic Counselling? Briefly discuss the process of genetic
counselling. 20
10. Write short note on any two of the following. 10+10
a. Genomics
b. Abnormal Haemoglobins
c. Genetic Epidemiology
d. Colour blindness
MANE 001, MANE001, MANE-001, MANE-01, MANE01, MANE 01, MANE-1, MANE1, MANE 1