BSOC-101 INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY-I in English Solved Question Paper December 2023


Course Code: BSOC-101

Title Name

BSOC-101 Solved Question Paper December 2023

University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Course BAG
Language English
Year December 2023
Course Code BSOC-101
Product Solved Question PaperĀ  (IGNOU)



1. What do you understand by Sociology in
everyday life ? Discuss keeping C. W. Mills
notion of sociological imagination. 20
2. How is Sociology related with Economics ?
Discuss the history of economic sociology. 20
3. What are primary and secondary social groups ?
How did Ferdinand Tonnies describe them ? 20
4. Describe the major characteristics of an
association with suitable examples. 20
[ 2 ] BSOCā€“101
5. Explain the concept of social roles and its major
types. 20
6. Discuss the concept of socialisation and its
agents. 20
7. Compare the functionalism of Talcott Parsons
and Robert K. Merton. 20
8. What do you understand by social change ?
Discuss any one of the approaches to
understand social change.



Solving previous year question papers helps you become familiar with the exam format, identify important topics, and develop effective time management and problem-solving skills, leading to improved performance.

While previous year question papers are an essential part of exam preparation, it is advisable to supplement them with comprehensive study materials, textbooks, and practice tests for a well-rounded approach.

Solving previous year question papers enhances your preparation and boosts confidence, but the final score depends on various factors, including consistent studying, understanding concepts, and effective exam strategy.


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