BRDE-101 Rural Development Indian Context
Solved Assignment 2020-2021
Elective Course – Rural Development: Indian Context
Course Code: BRDE-101
Assignment Code: BRDE—101 /AST / 2020 — 21
Title Name |
BRDE-101 Solved Assignment 2020-2021 |
University | IGNOU |
Service Type | Solved Assignment (Soft copy/PDF) |
Course | Bachelor’s Degree Programme (BDP) |
Language | ENGLISH |
Semester | 2020-2021 Course: BDP |
Session | 2020-21 |
Short Name | BRDE-101 |
Assignment Code | BRDE—101 /AST / 2020 — 21 |
Product | Assignment of BDP 2020-2021 (IGNOU) |
Submission Date | Assignment should be submitted on or before 31-03-2021 for July 2020 session and 31-09-2021 for January 2021 session to the Coordinator of your Study Center. |
Note: (i) Your answer to each question should not exceed 1000 words.
(ii) Each question carries 20 marks.
(iii) Attempt any five of the following questions.
1. Explain major types and features of Indian rural society in terms of caste and class.
2. Discuss major objectives and various facets of development.
3. What do you mean by Human Development Index? Describe itsimportant features.
4. Define sustainable development. Describe important strategies for sustainable rural development
5. Discuss important features and functioning of cooperatives in rural areas.
6. Critically analyze thesignificance of education forindividual, society and nation.
7. Describe the concept, types and functions of voluntary organizations.
8. Discuss the contributions of some important NGOs working for the development of youth in
BRDE-101, BRDE-0101, BRDE 101, BRDE101, BRDE