BHIC-110 HISTORY OF INDIA : 1757–1857 in English Solved Question Paper June 2024


HISTORY OF INDIA : 1757–1857
Course Code: BHIC-110

Title Name

BHIC-110 Solved Question Paper June 2024

University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language English
Year June 2024
Course Code BHIC-110
Product Solved Question Paper  (IGNOU)



1. Discuss briefly the subsidiary alliance. To what
extent subsidiary alliance helped in the
expansion of British hegemony in India ? 20
2. Discuss the Orientalists’ construction of
India. 20
[ 2 ] BHIC-110
3. Examine the ideas and elements that went into
the making of the British administrative
policy. 20
4. Write short notes on any two of the following in
about 200 words each : 10+10
(a) Development of English Education in
Colonial India
(b) Thomas Munro
(c) Mir Qasim and the British
(d) Third Carnatic War
5. Write a note on Ryotwari system. 20
6. Critically examine the impact of the
commercialization of agriculture on Indian
economy. 20
7. Examine the background of the tribal and
peasant movements which took place before
1857. 20
[ 3 ] BHIC-110
P. T. O.
8. Write short notes on any two of the following in
about 200 words each : 10+10
(a) Causes of Revolt of 1857
(b) De-industrialization
(c) Social discrimination in Western India
(d) Famines in Colonial India



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