BEGLA-136 ENGLISH AT THE WORKPLACE Solved Question Paper June 2024


Course Code: BEGLA-136

Title Name

BEGLA-136 Solved Question Paper June 2024

University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Course BAG
Language English
Year June 2024
Course Code BEGLA-136
Product Solved Question PaperĀ  (IGNOU)



1. Match the words in Column A with their
meanings in Column B : 10Ɨ1=10
Column A Column B
(a) Results that are
easy to see
(i) Commendation
[ 2 ] BEGLAā€“136
(b) Evidence that
shows people
your abilities
(ii) Frills
(c) Ornamental
objects of no
great value
(iii) Chronological
(d) Arranged in
order of time of
(iv) Artifact
(e) An object
produced or
shaped by
human craft
(v) Credentials
(f) An official
award or a
(vi) Tangible
[ 3 ] BEGLAā€“136
P. T. O.
(g) Expressing
much in few
(vii) Prior
(h) Coming before (viii) Concise
(i) People in charge
of hiring new
(ix) Initializing
(j) Starting
(x) Recruiters
2. Make sentences using the following words :
(a) Innovative
(b) Creativity
(c) Ambition
(d) Teamwork
(e) Dedication
[ 4 ] BEGLAā€“136
3. (a) Rewrite the following sentences changing
them from the active voice to passive voice :
(i) The teacher is teaching the course.
(ii) Ram draws the painting.
(iii) Everyone likes sweets.
(iv) Shyam is buying a new house.
(v) Have you completed your assignment ?
(b) Fill in the blanks as indicated : 1Ɨ10=10
(i) Think carefully before ………….. (join)
your new assignment.
(Complete using gerund of join)
(ii) …………. (respond) to job
advertisements is a skill that
freshers must learn.
(Complete using gerund of respond)
[ 5 ] BEGLAā€“136
P. T. O.
(iii) Please remove the …………….. (break)
chairs from the hall.
(Use appropriate participle of ā€˜breakā€™)
(iv) She reached the …………. (meet) point
well before the appointed time.
(Use appropriate participle of ā€˜meetā€™)
(v) ……………. if we did not accept their
invitation ? (Use main/If clause)
(vi) What would happen if …………….. ?
(Use main/if clause)
(vii) If somebody ……………. in here with a
gun, Iā€™d be very frightened.
(Use the correct form of ā€˜walkā€™)
(viii) Iā€™m sure Satish ……………. if you
explained the situation to him.
(Use the correct form of ā€˜understandā€™)
[ 6 ] BEGLAā€“136
(ix) We ……………. go through the contract
carefully before signing it.
(Use appropriate modal)
(x) The opponents sat …………….. to each
[Choose the appropriate (opposite/behind)]
4. Write short notes on the following (around
150 words each) : 2Ɨ10=20
(a) Essentials of good customer service
(b) Workplace Etiquette
5. Prepare a brief CV (Curriculum Vitae) for a job
that you wish to join. Organize your points
under various headings like educational
qualifications, professional experience etc. 10
[ 7 ] BEGLAā€“136
P. T. O.
6. Prepare a job application letter in response to
an advertisement for the post of a marketing
manager in a corporate firm. 10
7. You are planning to appear for an interview for
the position of receptionist in a reputed English
Training Institute. Write out ten questions you
expect to be asked and your answers to these
questions. 10
8. Write an outline of a presentation on the
following topic : 10
Your town/city/village



Solving previous year question papers helps you become familiar with the exam format, identify important topics, and develop effective time management and problem-solving skills, leading to improved performance.

While previous year question papers are an essential part of exam preparation, it is advisable to supplement them with comprehensive study materials, textbooks, and practice tests for a well-rounded approach.

Solving previous year question papers enhances your preparation and boosts confidence, but the final score depends on various factors, including consistent studying, understanding concepts, and effective exam strategy.


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