BECS-184 DATA ANALYSIS Solved Question Paper December 2023


Course Code: BECS-184

Title Name

BECS-184 Solved Question Paper December 2023

University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Course CBCS / BAG
Language English
Year December 2023
Course Code BECS-184
Product Solved Question Paper BECS-184 (IGNOU)




Note : Answer any two questions from this
1. (a) What is meant by the term ‘mathematical
modelling’ ? Explain with example the
various steps involved in mathematical
modelling. 10
(b) What is logic ? Why is it necessary to know
the basics of logic in data analysis ? 10

2. (a) Explain the various measures of
variability. Which of these measures
ensure the highest degree of reliability ?
Give reasons in support of your answer. 10
(b) A consumer purchases two goods X and Y,
where prices are ` 10/kg and ` 5/kg
respectively. If he spends ` 20 for
purchasing both the goods, find the
average price per kilogram. 10
3. What do you mean by the term ‘Composite
Index’ ? State with illustration the procedure to
work out composite index by way of simple
Ranking method. 20
4. Distinguish between univariate data analysis
and multivariate data analysis. Give a brief
account of various techniques of multivariate
data analysis. 20


Note :Answer any five questions from this Section.
5. What is a sampling frame ? State the various
stages involved in planning and organizing a
survey. 12
6. Distinguish between data collection and data
analysis. Discuss the various tools that are
used in generating qualitative data. 12
7. What are the characteristics of normal
distribution ? Explain the usage of normal
distribution in solving statistical problems. 12
8. A study involves finding the proportion of
females opting to participate in home-based
work. What type of data in terms of
measurement scale will need to be captured for
conducting such a study ? Which method of
central tendency will be suitable for this study ?
9. State the features of case study as a tool for
data generation. 12
10. What is Histogram ? Draw a Histogram from
the following data : 12
Value Frequency
5—10 12
10—15 25
15—20 30
20—25 40
25—30 20

11.Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Coefficient of determination
(b) Estimator
(c) Focus group discussion
(d) Primary data
(e) Data mining
(f) Discrete variable



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