Home BCOLA-138 BCOLA-138 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION in English Solved Question Paper June 2024

BCOLA-138 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION in English Solved Question Paper June 2024

BCOLA-138 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Solved Question Paper June 2024


Course Code: BCOLA-138

Title Name

BCOLA-138 Solved Question Paper June 2024

University IGNOU
Service Type Solved Question Paper (Soft copy/PDF)
Language English
Year June 2024
Course Code BCOLA-138
Product Solved Question Paper  (IGNOU)



1. Distinguish between the following : 10+10
(a) Posture and gesture
(b) Formal and informal channels of
2. “Communication is the lifeline of a business
organization.” Elaborate. 20
3. (a) Write a letter to your bank requesting
them to pay annual subscription of
` 2,000 to your club out of your current
account. 10
[ 2 ] BCOLA–138
(b) Write a complaint from Raman to the
Railway Authority, Hissar, that a railway
parcel sent to his address has not reached.
4. What do you mean by Business Report ?
Explain their nature and importance. 5+15
5. Discuss different types of visual aids commonly
used for business presentation. 20
6. What is meant by business plan ? Describe its
key elements. 5+15
7. What is a meeting ? What are the requisites of
a valid meeting ? Also explain rules governing
meetings. 4+8+8
8. Write notes on any two of the following : 10+10
(a) Conference calls
(b) Resolutions
(c) Kinesics
(d) Report writing


The advantages of studying IGNOU solved guess papers are given below:

  • Experience of Previous Question Papers: Solved guess papers give you experience of previous years’ question papers. This helps you understand what types of questions can be asked in the exam.
  • Time Management: Through solved guess papers, you can learn to manage your time. It is an important tool to know how to divide time during the exam.
  • Understanding of Syllabus: Solved guess papers help you get an in-depth understanding of the syllabus. This lets you know which topics to pay more attention to and which topics are more important in the exam.
  • Self-Evaluation: By solving these guess papers, you can self-evaluate your preparation. This will help you identify your weaknesses and strengths and improve your preparation.
  • Increase in confidence: When you solve the solved guess papers successfully, it increases your confidence. This makes you feel less mental pressure during the exam.
  • Repetition of questions: It has been seen many times that some questions are repeated in the previous year’s question papers. With this, you can know those questions in advance and perform well in the exam.
  • Study strategy: Solved guess papers help you in making a study strategy. With this, you can decide how to study and what type of questions to prepare for.

With all these benefits, you can make your exam preparation even better and get good marks.


Guess papers should not be the sole source of your exam preparation. They should be used alongside the official course material, textbooks, and other study resources. Guess papers serve as practice tools to assess your understanding and exam readiness.

Guess papers are available for a wide range of IGNOU courses. However, the availability may vary depending on the popularity and demand for specific courses. It is recommended to explore online platforms, official IGNOU resources, and study centers to find guess papers for your course. Click Here to buy 

Yes, guess papers are available for both objective and subjective type questions. Depending on your course, you can find guess papers that cover various question formats, including multiple-choice questions, descriptive answers, and more.

Guess papers are typically updated periodically to align with the latest syllabus and exam patterns. It is advisable to look for recent versions of guess papers to ensure relevance to the current exam requirements.



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